Parent's Day Out

St. B's Parent's Day Out program provides care, activities, and teaching for young children age 15 months to 2 years for one or two days per week from late August to May. 

Concepts are taught through Bible stories, related art and music activities, prayer, and sharing among children. Through all of our activities, we wish to express God's love for each child through meaningful relationships.

*Note: These classes are not licensed by the Department of Human Services. D.H.S. does not require these classes to be licensed because those classrooms are only open two days a week. We do, however, meet all health and safety standards.

Toddler Classes

Children must be 15 months old by August 31st of the school year for the Toddler classes. Toddler classes meet are 9:30-2:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each toddler has the option to attend one or two days a week.

2 Year Old Classes

Children must be 2 years old by August 31st of the school year to be in the 2 year old program. Twos classes meet Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9:30-2:30. Each two year old attends two days per week.

Application and Tuition

Our registration operates through rolling applications. We accept applications throughout the year.  Application priority is given to those students currently enrolled, siblings, and members of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church. Following these preferences, our waitlist is based on date of application.

Please join us for one of our prospective parent meetings and a tour of the facilities. Tours are on pause for the summer. Our next Prospective Parent Tour will be:

Wednesday, April 23 at 10 a.m. To RSVP email Kelly Hull (

Submit an application hereThere is a one-time non-refundable $100 application fee due with your application. 

Tuition 2025-2026*:

Toddler 1 Day: $193.00/mo

Toddler 2 Days: $359.00/mo

2s: $372.00/mo

Preschool: $568.00/mo

*This rate includes a $23/day security fee per student

For questions or to RSVP for the Prospective Parent tour please contact Kelly Hull at 615.373.4633 or