Being formed into the image and likeness of Christ is not something that stops with graduation from high school. It is a life-long journey. During our program year from September through May, we offer a range of opportunities for adults at 10am on Sunday mornings and during the week.
Adult Formation Classes
Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Starting March 9
Does the accelerating global environmental crisis concern you as a Christian? Or does all the doomsaying about the health of our planet feel overblown or disconnected from your faith? Either way, we welcome you to join us for a five week “pilgrimage" to reframe these concerns together in light of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ.
This class (“Creation is for Lovers: Theological and Spiritual Foundations for Creation Care”), led by Morgan Wills, will include a mix of lecture, small group interaction, and excerpts from a video about the interdisciplinary theological and environmental work of Regent College professor Loren Wilkinson, as well as his recently published book, Circles & the Cross; Cosmos, Consciousness, Christ, and the Human Place in Creation. Each class will introduce a spiritual practice to help ground faithful and sustainable engagement with Creation care, while laying the groundwork for more practically oriented classes on this topic in the months and years to come.