Fellowship Team

Our Fellowship Team creates a space that says, "Welcome. We're glad you are here. Let us bless you." And in doing so, we extend the hospitality and welcome of God through Christ and help foster connection and community for strangers and friends. 

Our Fellowship Team is comprised of volunteers who love to serve others and work behind the scenes organizing our receptions, parties, and special events. Some people choose to be leaders of an event and some commit only as often and in the capacity that their schedule allows. Most gatherings happen on a Sunday morning or evening.  

Serving on the Fellowship Team is a great way to meet other parishioners as you prepare food in the kitchen, put up tents and lawn games, and clean up after an event!  The work you do is essential to who we as St. B's. 

For more information on being part of our Fellowship Team contact Nancy Coleman

Welcome Teams

Welcome Teams serve one Sunday morning a month and embody the welcome of Jesus by creating an inviting and friendly context for worship through the acts of hospitality and greeting. Teams pay special attention to newcomers and visitors among us. 

They prepare and serve coffee and water between the services; greet people as they enter the church and parish hall; give mugs to newcomers, and directions as needed. 

Joining a Welcome Team is a great way to build community and make friends with those who are also serving. Whether you like to meet and greet people or help behind the scenes, we have a place for you!

For more information, contact Rev. Serena.