The South Sudanese Community

The South Sudanese community continues to grow at St B’s and has a weekly Sunday worship service at 1 p.m. in Wallace Hall led by lay pastors and our clergy.

South Sudanese worship at St. B's began in the mid-1990s when a St. B’s Sunday School class prayed for God to show them a way they might minister in Africa. In short order that Sunday School ministry evolved from providing bicycles for priests in Sudan to welcoming Sudanese refugees to Nashville.

In 1998, a Sudanese community began worshiping at St. B’s in Jieng, their tribal language, and English with lay pastors. In 2003, Bishop Nathaniel Garang, who was to become the acting Archbishop of Sudan, came to Nashville to ordain Gur Maror and John Awan as Episcopal priests. Fathers Gur and John returned to South Sudan to serve their home country as priests and to begin a new life. More recently, Fr. Sammy Wood worked with two senior lay leaders in the community in their discernment process for ordination.

For more information:
Contact Beth Heimburger at