Upcoming Youth Events

We want to be a community that is bonded by fun and fostered through relationships; therefore, we are making community building and fun cornerstones of who we are as a Youth community. We host monthly fun events and bigger seasonal gatherings for us to come together for fun and invite in friends. 

To stay up to date with everything happening here in Youth Formation, make sure you are registered! This will sign you up for our monthly emails, event text messages, and get us vital information on how to best serve your youth. New youth and friends can register here . Returning youth can register here.  

  • Cheering your youth on!

    Our community loves to cheer each other on! Email Alysha to let us know when your youth’s next sports game, choir concert, musical, 4H show, or art fair is and we’d love to be there to support them.

  • youth easter egg battle

    March 30th from 3:30-5:00 pm

    Are you ready for an easter egg battle for the ages? Join us for an epic team game where you’ll work together to gain eggs and hide from the chaos bunnies that plague our campus. Bring a friend, borrow an easter egg basket, and sign-up today to join us! 

    Please note: This is a different event than the children’s easter egg hunt that takes place on Easter morning. Email Alysha or Meredith if you’d like to help out with the children’s easter egg hunt. 

  • Parent Forum

    APRIL 3 FROM 6-8 PM IN Wallace Hall

    In our time together, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from four topic circles to learn and ask questions alongside your fellow St. B’s parents and friends. Our topic circles will discuss social media and your child’s social life, the transitions in the parent and child relationship across adolescence, substance use, and navigating faith formation with children as parents. Each circle will be moderated and parents can choose the three circles to participate in during our time. 

    We will be meeting in Wallace Hall now (this is a change from the Youth Room as previously communicated). 

    This event is open to all parents, both from St. B’s and our community beyond. Save your seat and RSVP here by April 2 at noon. 

  • No Youth Formation Hour

    APRIL 13 & 20

    We will not be meeting for Youth Formation Hour due to Palm and Easter Sunday. We’ll return on April 27th. 

  • interactive stations of the cross

    April 18th

    On Good Friday, the Children’s and Youth Formation Team would invite you and your family to join us for an Interactive Stations of the Cross. With the use of an interactive packet and materials at each station, we have crafted age-specific activities for your family to engage with each other and God through interactive activities. We will also have a contemplative option for those who wish to participate in a meditative space along with a playlist. This is a great spot to bring some friends!

  • fuel for finals

    April 27 from 2-3 pm

    The end of the school year is rapidly approaching and we want to make sure you are fueled! Join us at Wanta Spoon Cereal Bar for some hang out time, sweet treats, and encouragement before the end of the year. 

    RSVP to Alysha to let us know you’re coming!

  • graduation sunday materials due

    April 26th

    Send a photo of your Senior (using a .jpeg file), where they are graduating from, and what their next steps are (college, gap year, career, or other) to Alysha for our Graduation Sunday celebration!

  • Graduation Sunday

    May 4th between services

    We’ll be celebrating our Graduating Seniors between services! In our 8:30 and 11 am services, we will be praying for our Seniors during the Prayers of the People. We will then host a reception outside (or in the Parish Hall if raining) for the congregation to extend their congratulations. Come celebrate this wonderful group of youth with us!

  • last formation hour of the school year

    may 18th

    We’ll host our last Formation Hour for the year! We’ll take the summer off and return in the new school year this fall.

  • middle school adventure hang out

    may 18th at 2 pm

    We are taking all our participants on a Fryce Cream meetup to get to know each other better before we leave on our trip! RSVP to Alysha if your participating youth will be joining us!

  • 6th grade rising up

    may 18th

    Our current 6th graders will be celebrated as they officially transition into the Youth Formation Crew! More details will follow.